Attorney and Professional Features
TelephoneMessagePad is a hosted system for taking, distributing,
and organizing phone messages. ![]() However, we cannot locate the original research and must rely on the common sense result that responding quickly before a prospect moves on to the next attorney on their list is the ideal. On the other hand, interrupting a client who is in your office to take a phone call, devalues the experience of your existing client. .. and for many attorneys, satisfied existing clients are the strongest source of new clients. While you are on the phone, the interrupted client may be thinking to themselves "I wonder if I am paying for this time?" Managing phone calls and your time is a balancing act for which there is no single one-size-fits all answer. Telephone Message Pad gives you the tools to manage this balance.
When messages are delivered via email and/or SMS, they are received in a timelier manner. Faster receipt of messages facilitates a faster response. Messages are less likely to being misinterpreted when they are typed rather than handwritten.
When a phone number is received in a mobile phone, it can be tapped to dial. This feature reduces the need for transcription, making the process faster and less error-prone. The combination of a faster and more accurate result in an improved response to all clients
Telephone Message Pad has a built-in color coded ticketing system to track the progress of all calls so that loose ends do not unravel. You can take advantage of the ticket system for secure, 2-way communication. Let's say you are in trial and there is a short recess. You can check all of your messages in a single glance. The session is encrypted and away from the prying eyes of others. Click on a link and that particular message is opened up for reply. Any staff instructions you issue at that point are encrypted. This is better security than a phone call where the opposition can easily overhear your calls so that loose ends do not unravel. Months, even years from now, the call ticket is stored for instant search and retrieval. That means all of your attorney phone records are always available to you when you need them. Telephone Message Pad costs less than 1 hour's billing and more than pays for itself in client capture and satisfaction.