Contractors and Field Operations

TelephoneMessagePad is a hosted system for taking, distributing, and organizing phone messages.
Your access it via secure HTTPs from anywhere with any device having a web browser.

Today, you can count on your staff out in the field having a smart phone. The communication problem then becomes how to best
email on iphone
email on phone for ticket 1736
tap email to send email
tap address to open in google maps
tap telephone number to call
tap edit link to open and edit ticket
While Out
listing of job tickets on phone
map_it opens address in google maps
tap telephone number to call
tap pencil to open ticket
coordinate among field and office. Simply contacting the field whenever the office wants is not always ideal. The field person could be driving, talking to a customer, or on a ladder. A ringing phone can pose a distraction impacting customers or a safety issue.

Telephone Message Pad provides the tools to shape communication to your needs. Each user has single click or tap access to a listing of all current job tickets on their desktop or home screen. Another click or tap from that listing brings up an editing page. In that usage case, the field checks in and retrieves messages when they are best able to respond.

The link to each editing page can also be delivered via an email. The field can set alerts or manage other aspects of retrieving email using tools on their phone.

Additionally, Telephone Message Pad can send an SMS (text) message instead of or together with email.

So, the field can have access to tickets without having to be notified and/or they can receive an email for each ticket. It is your choice.

Once an edit page is open, the ticket status and any notes added. With both field and office having access to this real-time information, the need for telephone calls to find out status is reduced.

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